============================================================================== Usage ============================================================================== .. contents:: :local: .. _cli: Command Line Interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ML Launchpad's command line interface is usually only used when developing and preparing a machine learning application. When actually running the API in production, a WSGI server (e.g. Gunicorn or Waitress) is used to run ``mllaunchpad.wsgi:application`` instead (the config file is then provided via an environment variable). All commands (``train``, ``retest``, ``predict``, ``api`` and ``generate-raml``) can be abbreviated, so you can use e.g. ``mllaunchpad t`` or ``mllaunchpad pred`` to save some keystrokes. .. click:: mllaunchpad.cli:main :prog: mllaunchpad :show-nested: Environment variables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. envvar:: LAUNCHPAD_CFG (Optional) path to :doc:`configuration file ` .. envvar:: LAUNCHPAD_LOG (Optional) path to `logging configuration file `_ Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See separate page :doc:`config`. .. _other_technologies: What about support for R, Spark, ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ML Launchpad is designed to be as technology-agnostic and flexible as possible. For machine learning technologies, this means that it does not care whether you use it with SciKit-Learn, PyTorch, spaCy, etc. Just import the Python packages you need and enjoy. See the tutorial in the next section for an example using SciKit-Learn. For interfacing with the outside world (getting data, etc.), we created interfaces for extending this functionality. The most common kinds are already supported out of the box. For getting and persisting data, look into inheriting :doc:`DataSources and DataSinks `. For providing your model results in other ways as the provided WSGI API (events, Azure functions, etc), look into the :doc:`mllaunchpad API ` (particularly ``get_validated_config()`` and ``predict()``). That said, we already accumulated some partial or complete solutions, and the one you need might already be there: - **Oracle, Impala, Hive, etc. support** is covered by :class:`~mllaunchpad.datasources.SqlDataSource`). It uses `SQLAlchemy `_, which adds a lot of flexibility to the datasource configuration. Please see the :class:`SqlDataSource docs ` for more information. There also are some special classes like OracleDataSource and, in the examples, ImpalaDataSource, but those were made before SqlDataSource, and we suggest trying SqlDataSource first. - **R support** works by using and adapting the ``r_example*`` files in the examples directory (experimental). You leave ``r_model.py`` as is, configure it as the ``model:module:``, where you also configure ``model:r_file`` and ``model:r_dependencies`` with your script and R requirements. You will have to have R installed, as well as the Python package ``rpy2[pandas]``. - **Spark support** is available through the ``spark_datasource.py`` module in the examples (experimental). Copy it into your project and include it in your config using the ``plugins:`` directive. Its detailed use is documented in the module itself. - **Containerization** is straightforward to do -- build an image that exposes the ML Launchpad REST API:: # Example Dockerfile ARG PYTHON=3.7 FROM python:${PYTHON}-slim-buster as mllp RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ build-essential \ vim \ unixodbc-dev \ unixodbc \ libpq-dev \ && apt-get clean \ && apt-get autoremove -y \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* WORKDIR /var/www/mllp/app COPY . . # In your project, be selective in what you put into the image. RUN pip install -r requirements.txt RUN pip install gunicorn RUN python -m mllaunchpad -c my_config.yml train # If not pre-trained earlier. EXPOSE 5000 CMD gunicorn --workers 4 --bind mllaunchpad.wsgi - **Azure/Firebase/AWS lambda functions** for prediction can be easily created using the :doc:`mllaunchpad API `: .. code-block:: python import json import azure.functions as func import mllaunchpad # see https://mllaunchpad.readthedocs.io/en/stable/mllaunchpad.html conf = mllaunchpad.get_validated_config("my_cfg_file_or_stream_or_url.yml") # None=use LAUNCHPAD_CFG env var def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse: # (you need to validate params yourself here, skipped in this example) result = mllaunchpad.predict(conf, arg_dict=req.params) return func.HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), mimetype="application/json") - For any other technology, there's a good chance that you can tackle it with one of these mechanisms (extending DataSources/DataSinks or through the API). If you are unsure, `please create an issue `_. .. _tutorial: Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This tutorial will guide you through using ML Launchpad to publish a small machine learning project as a Web API. Let's assume that you have developed a Python script called ``tree_script.py`` which contains the code to train, test and apply your model from Python:: my_project/ iris_train.csv iris_holdout.csv tree_script.py Contents of ``tree_script.py``: .. code-block:: python import sys import pandas as pd from sklearn import tree from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix def train(): df = pd.read_csv('iris_train.csv') X = df.drop('variety', axis=1) y = df['variety'] model = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier() model.fit(X, y) return model def test(model): df = pd.read_csv('iris_holdout.csv') X_test = df.drop('variety', axis=1) y_test = df['variety'] y_predict = model.predict(X_test) acc = accuracy_score(y_test, y_predict) conf = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predict).tolist() metrics = {'accuracy': acc, 'confusion_matrix': conf} return metrics def predict(model, args_dict): # Create DF explicitly. No guarantee that dict keys are in correct order, # so we have to make sure *manually* that they match the column order we used # when training the model: X = pd.DataFrame({ 'sepal.length': [args_dict['sepal.length']], 'sepal.width': [args_dict['sepal.width']], 'petal.length': [args_dict['petal.length']], 'petal.width': [args_dict['petal.width']] }) y = model.predict(X)[0] return {'prediction': y} if __name__ == '__main__': args = dict(zip([n for n in sys.argv[1::2]], [float(v) for v in sys.argv[2::2]])) my_model = train() print('metrics:', test(my_model)) pred = predict(my_model, args) print('prediction result:', pred) # Example: # $ python tree_script.py sepal.length 3 sepal.width 2.7 petal.length 4.5 petal.width 3.5 # metrics: {'accuracy': 0.95, 'confusion_matrix': [[6, 0, 0], [0, 7, 0], [0, 1, 6]]} # prediction result: {'prediction': 'Virginica'} This script can be called from the command line and guesses the variety of iris from some physical measurements provided as command line arguments. It somewhat wastefully trains a new model every time it is called, and does not check the validity of the arguments at all. Besides making the model available as a Web API, ML Launchpad will also solve these two problems. To use ML Launchpad, :doc:`install ` it first using: .. code-block:: console $ pip install mllaunchpad Now, we'll create a new Python file called ``tree_model.py`` in which we will fill in the blanks:: my_project/ iris_train.csv iris_holdout.csv tree_script.py tree_model.py The file ``tree_model.py`` looks like this at first: .. code-block:: python from mllaunchpad import ModelInterface, ModelMakerInterface from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix from sklearn import tree import pandas as pd import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MyTreeModelMaker(ModelMakerInterface): """Creates a Iris prediction model""" def create_trained_model(self, model_conf, data_sources, data_sinks, old_model=None): ... return model def test_trained_model(self, model_conf, data_sources, data_sinks, model): ... return metrics class MyTreeModel(ModelInterface): """Uses the created Iris prediction model""" def predict(self, model_conf, data_sources, data_sinks, model, args_dict): ... return output You can find a template like this in ML Launchpad's examples (:download:`download the examples <_static/examples.zip>`, or copy-paste from ``TEMPLATE_model.py`` on `GitHub `_). The three methods :meth:`~mllaunchpad.model_interface.ModelMakerInterface.create_trained_model`, :meth:`~mllaunchpad.model_interface.ModelMakerInterface.test_trained_model` and :meth:`~mllaunchpad.model_interface.ModelInterface.predict` correspond to the three functions in our script above. We can essentially copy and paste the contents of our three functions into those, but we will need to change some details to make the code work with ML Launchpad. Here, we'll make use of the method arguments ``data_sources`` and ``model``. See :mod:`~mllaunchpad.model_interface` for details on all available arguments. If we call our training :doc:`DataSource ` ``petals`` and our test :doc:`DataSource ` ``petals_test``, our completed ``tree_model.py`` looks like this (we highlight changed code with ``#comments``): .. code-block:: python from mllaunchpad import ModelInterface, ModelMakerInterface, order_columns from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix from sklearn import tree import pandas as pd import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MyTreeModelMaker(ModelMakerInterface): """Creates a Iris prediction model""" def create_trained_model(self, model_conf, data_sources, data_sinks, old_model=None): # use data_source instead of reading CSV ourselves: df_unordered = data_sources['petals'].get_dataframe() df = order_columns(df_unordered) # make col order reproducible for API use X = df.drop('variety', axis=1) y = df['variety'] model = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier() model.fit(X, y) return model def test_trained_model(self, model_conf, data_sources, data_sinks, model): # use data_source instead of reading CSV ourselves: df_unordered = data_sources['petals_test'].get_dataframe() df = order_columns(df_unordered) # make col order reproducible for API use X_test = df.drop('variety', axis=1) y_test = df['variety'] y_predict = model.predict(X_test) acc = accuracy_score(y_test, y_predict) conf = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predict).tolist() metrics = {'accuracy': acc, 'confusion_matrix': conf} return metrics class MyTreeModel(ModelInterface): """Uses the created Iris prediction model""" def predict(self, model_conf, data_sources, data_sinks, model, args_dict): # No changes required, but instead of this clumsy construct here... # X = pd.DataFrame({ # 'sepal.length': [args_dict['sepal.length']], # 'sepal.width': [args_dict['sepal.width']], # 'petal.length': [args_dict['petal.length']], # 'petal.width': [args_dict['petal.width']] # }) # ... we can use this much shorter method thanks to using # order_columns earlier, guaranteeing deterministic column ordering: X = order_columns(pd.DataFrame(args_dict, index=[0])) y = model.predict(X)[0] return {'prediction': y} So we are now getting our data from the ``data_source`` arguments instead of directly from ``csv`` files, and we get our ``model`` object passed as an argument, same as before. The three methods return the same things as our own functions: * :meth:`~mllaunchpad.model_interface.ModelMakerInterface.create_trained_model` returns a trained model object (can be pretty much anything), * :meth:`~mllaunchpad.model_interface.ModelMakerInterface.test_trained_model` returns a ``dict`` with metrics (can also contain ``lists``, numpy arrays or pandas DataFrames), and * :meth:`~mllaunchpad.model_interface.ModelInterface.predict` returns a prediction (usually a ``dict``, but can also contain ``lists``, numpy arrays or pandas DataFrames). **Sidenote**: To save additional information while training for traceability's sake, use :meth:`mllaunchpad.report` in your train and test code. The metadata thus saved resides in the model store together with the model. By default, it includes basic info such as the configuration (see below), some system info, and the test metrics. When done with training, you can retrieve metadata of all models in the model store from Python by using :meth:`mllaunchpad.list_models`. Next, we will configure some extra info about our model, as well as tell ML Launchpad where to find the ``petal`` and ``petal_test`` :doc:`DataSources `. Create a file called ``tree_cfg.yml``:: my_project/ iris_train.csv iris_holdout.csv tree_model.py tree_cfg.yml (We're done with our original ``tree_script.py`` so I've removed it) Contents of ``tree_cfg.yml``: .. code-block:: yaml datasources: petals: type: csv path: ./iris_train.csv # The string can also be a URL. Valid URL schemes include http, ftp, s3, and file. expires: 0 # -1: never (=cached forever), 0: immediately (=no caching), >0: time in seconds. options: {} tags: train petals_test: type: csv path: ./iris_holdout.csv expires: 3600 options: {} tags: test model_store: location: ./model_store # Just in current directory for now model: name: TreeModel version: '0.0.1' # use semantic versioning (..), first segment will be used in API url as e.g. .../v1/... module: tree_model # same as file name without .py train_options: {} predict_options: {} api: name: iris # name of the service api raml: tree.raml preload_datasources: False # Load datasources into memory before any predictions. Only makes sense with caching. Here, we define our ``datasources`` so ML Launchpad knows where to find the data we refer to from our model. Besides ``csv`` files, other types of DataSources are supported, and :ref:`extending DataSources ` is also possible. (see :doc:`datasources` for more information on supported builtin :class:`~mllaunchpad.resource.DataSources`). The ``model_store`` is just a directory where all trained models will be stored together with their metrics. The ``model`` section gives our model a name and version which will be used to uniquely identify it when saving/loading. Here, we also provide the importable name of our ``tree_model.py``, which is just ``tree_model``. If it were in a package (directory) called ``something``, we would write ``something.tree_model`` instead. It's a good idea to make sure our model is in Pythons path (``sys.path`` or ``PYTHONPATH``) so it can be found when ML Launchpad wants to import it. The ``api`` section provides details on the Web API we want to publish. This section is maybe surprisingly empty. The reason is that the API definition is off-loaded into a *RESTful API Markup Language* (RAML) file. You can genereate a RAML file using the command line tool that has been installed when you installed ML Launchpad: .. code-block:: console $ mllaunchpad --config tree_cfg.yml generate-raml petals >tree.raml This creates the API definition file ``tree.raml`` using the columns and their types in the ``petals`` datasource for defining parameters. We still need to adapt this file a little because it also lists our target variable ``variety`` as an input parameter, which we don't want, so we edit the file and remove these lines: .. code-block:: yaml variety: displayName: Friendly Name of variety type: string description: Description of what variety really is example: 'Versicolor' required: true This is the only change which is necessary from a technical standpoint. Feel free to read the RAML file and improve the template descriptions there, correct ``mythings`` to something that makes sense, like ``varieties``, adapt the output format to what you want to use, and so on. Our model is done! Let's try it out. .. code-block:: console $ mllaunchpad --config tree_cfg.yml train Now we have a trained model in our ``model_store``. Let's run a test Web API (only for debug purposes, :doc:`see here ` for running production APIs): .. code-block:: console $ mllaunchpad --config tree_cfg.yml api We can find a test URL in our generated ``tree.raml``. Just remove the ``&variety=...`` part, and open the link e.g. in Chrome. You can see the result of our model's prediction immediately: .. code-block:: json { "prediction": "Versicolor" } Automatic input validation is included for free. Try changing the URL to provide a string value instead of a number, or remove one of the parameters, and you get a message explaining what is wrong. What we have now is what is called RESTful API. Web APIs like this are easy to use by other systems or web sites to include your model's predictions in their functionality. Here's a quick hacked-together HTML page which makes the predictions available to an end user: .. code-block:: html

Iris Tree Demo

Sepal Width:
Sepal Length:
Petal Length:
Petal Width:

If you put prototype HTML interfaces like this in a ``static`` subfolder, then they will be accessible at e.g. Keep in mind that this is only for demo/debug usage, not for production. The position of the ``static`` subfolder is governed by the ``api:root_path`` key (with a default value of ``.``) in your config file. You can find this and other examples `here `_ (`download <_static/examples.zip>`_). To run the ``tree`` example from this tutorial: .. code-block:: console $ cd examples $ mllaunchpad --config tree_cfg.yml train $ mllaunchpad --config tree_cfg.yml api Then open in your browser. To learn more, have a look at the examples provided in `mllaunchpad's GitHub repository `_ (`examples as zip file <_static/examples.zip>`_).