Source code for mllaunchpad.datasources

# Stdlib imports
import logging
import os
from typing import Dict, Generator, Iterable, Optional, Union, cast

# Third-party imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Project imports
from mllaunchpad.resource import DataSink, DataSource, Raw, get_user_pw

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES = ["csv", "euro_csv", "text_file", "binary_file"]

[docs]def get_connection_args(dbms_config: Dict) -> Dict: """Fill "_var"-suffixed configuration items from environment variables""" if "options" not in dbms_config: return {} new_options = {} key: str for key, value in dbms_config["options"].items(): if key.endswith("_var"): new_value = os.environ.get(value) if new_value is not None: new_key = key[:-4] new_options[new_key] = new_value logger.debug( "Replaced connection parameter '%s' specifying environment" "variable '%s' with parameter '%s'", key, value, new_key, ) else: logger.warning( "Environment variable '%s' not set (from config key '%s'). Leaving it as is.", value, key, ) new_options[key] = value else: new_options[key] = value return new_options
def _get_dict_without_keys(a_dict: Dict, without: Iterable) -> Dict: return {k: v for k, v in a_dict.items() if k not in without} def _create_sqlalchemy_engine(dbms_config: Dict): try: # Third-party imports import sqlalchemy except ModuleNotFoundError as e: logger.error( "Please install the SQLAlchemy package to be able to use SqlDataSource." ) raise e connection_string = dbms_config.get("connection_string") connect_args = get_connection_args(dbms_config) kw_args = _get_dict_without_keys( dbms_config, ["type", "options", "connection_string"] ) if "connect_args" in kw_args: if connect_args: raise ValueError( "'options:' (used as 'connect_args') have been specified in " "combination with an explicit 'connect_args:'. Please specify " "either 'options:' or 'connect_args:', not both." ) else: kw_args["connect_args"] = connect_args if "url" in kw_args: if connection_string: raise ValueError( "'connection_string:' (used as 'url') has been specified in " "combination with an explicit 'url:'. Please specify " "either 'connection_string:' or 'url:', not both." ) connection_string = kw_args["url"] del kw_args["url"] engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connection_string, **kw_args) return engine
[docs]def fill_nas( df: pd.DataFrame, as_generator: bool = False ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Generator]: if as_generator: def wrapped_iterator(data): for partial_df in data: partial_df.fillna(np.nan, inplace=True) yield partial_df return wrapped_iterator(df) else: df.fillna(np.nan, inplace=True) return df
[docs]def ensure_dir_to(file_path): path = os.path.dirname(file_path) if path != "" and not os.path.exists(path):"Creating missing path to file `{}`.".format(file_path)) os.makedirs(path)
[docs]class SqlDataSource(DataSource): """DataSource for RedShift, Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, Microsoft SQL (ODBC), and their dialects. Uses `SQLAlchemy <>`_ under the hood, and as such, manages a connection pool automatically. Please configure the ``dbms:<name>:connection_string:``, which is a standard RFC-1738 URL with the syntax ``dialect[+driver]://[user:password@][host]/[dbname][?key=value..]``. The exact URL is specific for the database you want to connect to. Find examples for all supported database dialects `here <>`_. Depending on the dialect you want to use, you might need to install additional drivers and packages. For example, for connecting to a kerberized Impala instance via ODBC, you need to: #. Install `Impala ODBC drivers for your OS <>`_, #. ``pip install winkerberos thrift_sasl pyodbc sqlalchemy`` # use pykerberos for non-windows systems If you are tasked with connecting to a particular database system, and don't know where to start, researching on how to connect to it from SQLAlchemy will serve as a good starting point. Other configuration in the ``dbms:`` section (besides ``connection_string:``) is optional, but can be provided if deemed necessary: * Any ``dbms:``-level settings other than ``type:``, ``connection_string:`` and ``options:`` will be passed as additional keyword arguments to SQLAlchemy's `create_engine <>`_. * Any key-value pairs inside ``dbms:<name>:options: {}`` will be passed to SQLAlchemy as `connect_args <>`_. If you append ``_var`` to the end of an argument key, its value will be interpreted as an environment variable name which ML Launchpad will attempt to get a value from. This can be useful for information like passwords which you do not want to store in the configuration file. Configuration example:: dbms: # ... (other connections) # Example for connecting to a kerberized Impala instance via ODBC: my_connection: # NOTE: You can use the same connection for several datasources and datasinks type: sql connection_string: mssql+pyodbc:///default?&driver=Cloudera+ODBC+Driver+for+Impala& # pyodbc alternative: mssql+pyodbc:///? echo: True # example for an additional SQLAlchemy keyword argument (logs the SQL) -- these are optional options: {} # used as `connect_args` when creating the SQLAlchemy engine # ... datasources: # ... (other datasources) my_datasource: type: dbms.my_connection query: SELECT * FROM somewhere.my_table WHERE id = :id # fill `:params` by calling `get_dataframe` with a `dict` expires: 0 # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources tags: [train] # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources and DataSinks options: {} # used as **kwargs when fetching the query using `pandas.read_sql` """ serves = ["dbms.sql"] def __init__( self, identifier: str, datasource_config: Dict, dbms_config: Dict ): super().__init__(identifier, datasource_config) self.dbms_config = dbms_config "Creating database connection engine for datasource {}...".format( ) ) self.engine = _create_sqlalchemy_engine(dbms_config) def get_dataframe( self, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Generator]: """Get the data as pandas dataframe. Null values are replaced by ``numpy.nan``. Example:: my_df = data_sources["my_datasource"].get_dataframe({"id": 387}) :param params: Query parameters to fill in query (e.g. replace query's `:id` parameter with value `387`) :type params: optional dict :param chunksize: Return an iterator where chunksize is the number of rows to include in each chunk. :type chunksize: optional int :return: DataFrame object, possibly cached according to config value of `expires:` """ # # Third-party imports from sqlalchemy import text query = self.config["query"] params = params or {} kw_options = self.options logger.debug( "Fetching query {} with params {}, chunksize {}, and options {}...".format( query, params, chunksize, kw_options ) ) df = pd.read_sql( text(query), con=self.engine, params=params, chunksize=chunksize, **kw_options ) return fill_nas(df, as_generator=chunksize is not None) def get_raw( self, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None ) -> Raw: """Not implemented. :raises NotImplementedError: Raw/blob format currently not supported. """ raise NotImplementedError( "SqlDataSource currently does not not support raw format/blobs. " 'Use method "get_dataframe" for dataframes' )
[docs]class SqlDataSink(DataSink): """DataSink for RedShift, Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, Microsoft SQL (ODBC), and their dialects. Uses `SQLAlchemy <>`_ under the hood, and as such, manages a connection pool automatically. Please configure the ``dbms:<name>:connection_string:``, which is a standard RFC-1738 URL with the syntax ``dialect[+driver]://[user:password@][host]/[dbname][?key=value..]``. The exact URL is specific for the database you want to connect to. Find examples for all supported database dialects `here <>`_. Depending on the dialect you want to use, you might need to install additional drivers and packages. For example, for connecting to a kerberized Impala instance via ODBC, you need to: #. Install `Impala ODBC drivers for your OS <>`_, #. ``pip install winkerberos thrift_sasl pyodbc sqlalchemy`` # use pykerberos for non-windows systems If you are tasked with connecting to a particular database system, and don't know where to start, researching on how to connect to it from SQLAlchemy will serve as a good starting point. Other configuration in the ``dbms:`` section (besides ``connection_string:``) is optional, but can be provided if deemed necessary: * Any ``dbms:``-level settings other than ``type:``, ``connection_string:`` and ``options:`` will be passed as additional keyword arguments to SQLAlchemy's `create_engine <>`_. * Any key-value pairs inside ``dbms:<name>:options: {}`` will be passed to SQLAlchemy as `connect_args <>`_. If you append ``_var`` to the end of an argument key, its value will be interpreted as an environment variable name which ML Launchpad will attempt to get a value from. This can be useful for information like passwords which you do not want to store in the configuration file. Configuration example:: dbms: # ... (other connections) # Example for connecting to a kerberized Impala instance via ODBC: my_connection: # NOTE: You can use the same connection for several datasources and datasinks type: sql connection_string: mssql+pyodbc:///default?&driver=Cloudera+ODBC+Driver+for+Impala& # pyodbc alternative: mssql+pyodbc:///? echo: True # example for an additional SQLAlchemy keyword argument (logs the SQL) -- these are optional options: {} # used as `connect_args` when creating the SQLAlchemy engine # ... datasinks: # ... (other datasinks) my_datasink: type: dbms.my_connection table: somewhere.my_table tags: [train] # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources and DataSinks options: {} # used as **kwargs when storing the table using `my_df.to_sql` """ serves = ["dbms.sql"] def __init__( self, identifier: str, datasource_config: Dict, dbms_config: Dict ): super().__init__(identifier, datasource_config) self.dbms_config = dbms_config "Creating database connection engine for datasource {}...".format( ) ) self.engine = _create_sqlalchemy_engine(dbms_config)
[docs] def put_dataframe( self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Store the pandas dataframe as a table. The default is not to store the dataframe's row index. Configure the DataSink's options dict to pass keyword arguments to `df.to_sql`. Example:: data_sinks["my_datasink"].put_dataframe(my_df) :param dataframe: The pandas dataframe to store :type dataframe: pandas DataFrame :param params: Currently not implemented :type params: optional dict :param chunksize: Currently not implemented :type chunksize: optional bool """ if params: raise NotImplementedError("Parameters not supported yet") if chunksize: raise NotImplementedError("Buffered storing not supported yet") table = self.config["table"] kw_options = self.options if "index" not in kw_options: kw_options["index"] = False logger.debug( "Storing data in table {} with options {}...".format( table, kw_options ) ) dataframe.to_sql(table, con=self.engine, **kw_options)
[docs] def put_raw( self, raw_data, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: """Not implemented. :raises NotImplementedError: Raw/blob format currently not supported. """ raise NotImplementedError( "SqlDataSink currently does not not support raw format/blobs. " 'Use method "put_dataframe" for raw data' )
def _get_oracle_connection(dbms_config: Dict): # Third-party imports import cx_Oracle # Importing here avoids environment-specific dependencies user, pw = get_user_pw( dbms_config["user_var"], dbms_config["password_var"] ) dsn_tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn( dbms_config["host"], dbms_config["port"], service_name=dbms_config["service_name"], ) logger.debug("Oracle connection string: %s", dsn_tns) kw_options = dbms_config.get("options", {}) connection = cx_Oracle.connect(user, pw, dsn_tns, **kw_options) return connection
[docs]class OracleDataSource(DataSource): """DataSource for Oracle database connections. Creates a long-living connection on initialization. Configuration example:: dbms: # ... (other connections) my_connection: # NOTE: You can use the same connection for several datasources and datasinks type: oracle host: port: 1251 user_var: MY_USER_ENV_VAR password_var: MY_PW_ENV_VAR # optional service_name: options: {} # used as **kwargs when initializing the DB connection # ... datasources: # ... (other datasources) my_datasource: type: dbms.my_connection query: SELECT * FROM somewhere.my_table where id = :id # fill `:params` by calling `get_dataframe` with a `dict` expires: 0 # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources tags: [train] # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources and DataSinks options: {} # used as **kwargs when fetching the query using `pandas.read_sql` """ serves = [""] def __init__( self, identifier: str, datasource_config: Dict, dbms_config: Dict ): super().__init__(identifier, datasource_config) self.dbms_config = dbms_config "Establishing Oracle database connection for datasource {}...".format( ) ) self.connection = _get_oracle_connection(dbms_config) def get_dataframe( self, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Generator]: """Get the data as pandas dataframe. Null values are replaced by ``numpy.nan``. Example:: data_sources["my_datasource"].get_dataframe({"id": 387}) :param params: Query parameters to fill in query (e.g. replace query's `:id` parameter with value `387`) :type params: optional dict :param chunksize: Return an iterator where chunksize is the number of rows to include in each chunk. :type chunksize: optional int :return: DataFrame object, possibly cached according to config value of `expires:` """ # TODO: maybe want to open/close connection on every method call (shouldn't happen often) query = self.config["query"] params = params or {} kw_options = self.options logger.debug( "Fetching query {} with params {}, chunksize {}, and options {}...".format( query, params, chunksize, kw_options ) ) df = pd.read_sql( query, con=self.connection, params=params, chunksize=chunksize, **kw_options ) return fill_nas(df, as_generator=chunksize is not None) def get_raw( self, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None ) -> Raw: """Not implemented. :raises NotImplementedError: Raw/blob format currently not supported. """ raise NotImplementedError( "OracleDataSource currently does not not support raw format/blobs. " 'Use method "get_dataframe" for dataframes' ) def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "connection"): self.connection.close()
[docs]class OracleDataSink(DataSink): """DataSink for Oracle database connections. Creates a long-living connection on initialization. Configuration example:: dbms: # ... (other connections) my_connection: # NOTE: You can use the same connection for several datasources and datasinks type: oracle host: port: 1251 user_var: MY_USER_ENV_VAR password_var: MY_PW_ENV_VAR # optional service_name: options: {} # used as **kwargs when initializing the DB connection # ... datasinks: # ... (other datasinks) my_datasink: type: dbms.my_connection table: somewhere.my_table tags: [train] # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources and DataSinks options: {} # used as **kwargs when storing the table using `my_df.to_sql` """ serves = [""] def __init__( self, identifier: str, datasink_config: Dict, dbms_config: Dict ): super().__init__(identifier, datasink_config) self.dbms_config = dbms_config "Establishing Oracle database connection for datasource {}...".format( ) ) self.connection = _get_oracle_connection(dbms_config)
[docs] def put_dataframe( self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Store the pandas dataframe as a table. The default is not to store the dataframe's row index. Configure the DataSink's options dict to pass keyword arguments to `df.to_sql`. Example:: data_sinks["my_datasink"].put_dataframe(my_df) :param dataframe: The pandas dataframe to store :type dataframe: pandas DataFrame :param params: Currently not implemented :type params: optional dict :param chunksize: Currently not implemented :type chunksize: optional bool """ if params: raise NotImplementedError("Parameters not supported yet") if chunksize: raise NotImplementedError("Buffered storing not supported yet") # TODO: maybe want to open/close connection on every method call (shouldn't happen often) table = self.config["table"] kw_options = self.options if "index" not in kw_options: kw_options["index"] = False logger.debug( "Storing data in table {} with options {}...".format( table, kw_options ) ) dataframe.to_sql(table, con=self.connection, **kw_options)
[docs] def put_raw( self, raw_data, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: """Not implemented. :raises NotImplementedError: Raw/blob format currently not supported. """ raise NotImplementedError( "OracleDataSink currently does not not support raw format/blobs. " 'Use method "put_dataframe" for raw data' )
def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "connection"): self.connection.close()
[docs]class FileDataSource(DataSource): """DataSource for fetching data from files. See :attr:`serves` for the available types. Configuration example:: datasources: # ... (other datasources) my_datasource: type: euro_csv # `euro_csv` changes separators to ";" and decimals to "," w.r.t. `csv` path: /some/file.csv # Can be URL, uses `pandas.read_csv` internally expires: 0 # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources tags: [train] # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources and DataSinks options: {} # used as **kwargs when fetching the data using `pandas.read_csv` dtypes_path: ./some/file.dtypes # optional: location with the csv's column dtypes info my_raw_datasource: type: text_file # raw files can also be of type `binary_file` path: /some/file.txt # Can be URL expires: 0 # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources tags: [train] # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources and DataSinks options: {} # used as **kwargs when fetching the data using `` When loading `csv` or `euro_csv` type formats, you can use the setting `dtypes_path` to specify a location with dtypes description for the csv (usually generated earlier by using :class:`FileDataSink`'s `dtypes_path` setting). These dtypes will be enforced when reading the csv, which helps avoid problems when `pandas.read_csv` interprets data differently than you do. Use `dtypes_path` to enforce dtype parity between csv datasinks and datasources. Using the raw formats `binary_file` and `text_file`, you can read arbitrary data, as long as it can be represented as a `bytes` or a `str` object, respectively. `text_file` uses UTF-8 encoding. Please note that while possible, it is not recommended to persist `DataFrame`s this way, because by adding format-specific code to your model, you're giving up your code's independence from the type of `DataSource`/`DataSink`. Here's an example for unpickling an arbitrary object:: # config fragment: datasources: # ... my_pickle_datasource: type: binary_file path: /some/file.pickle tags: [train] options: {} # code fragment: import pickle # ... # in predict/test/train code: my_pickle = data_sources["my_pickle_datasource"].get_raw() my_object = pickle.loads(my_pickle) """ serves = SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES def __init__(self, identifier: str, datasource_config: Dict): super().__init__(identifier, datasource_config) ds_type = datasource_config["type"] if ds_type not in SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES: raise TypeError( "{} is not a datasource file type (in datasource {}).".format( repr(ds_type), repr(identifier) ) ) self.type = ds_type self.path = datasource_config["path"] self.dtypes_path = datasource_config.get("dtypes_path") def get_dataframe( self, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Generator]: """Get data as a pandas dataframe. Example:: data_sources["my_datasource"].get_dataframe() :param params: Currently not implemented :type params: optional dict :param chunksize: Return an iterator where chunksize is the number of rows to include in each chunk. :type chunksize: optional int :return: DataFrame object, possibly cached according to config value of `expires:` """ if params: raise NotImplementedError("Parameters not supported yet") kw_options = self.options logger.debug( "Loading type {} file {} with dtypes_path {}, chunksize {} and options {}...".format( self.type, self.path, self.dtypes_path, chunksize, kw_options ) ) if self.dtypes_path is not None: input_dtypes = pd.read_csv(self.dtypes_path).set_index("columns") kw_options["dtype"] = { item: input_dtypes.loc[item]["dtypes"] for item in input_dtypes.index if input_dtypes.loc[item]["dtypes"] != "datetime" } kw_options["parse_dates"] = [ item for item in input_dtypes.index if input_dtypes.loc[item]["dtypes"] == "datetime" ] if self.type == "csv": df = pd.read_csv(self.path, chunksize=chunksize, **kw_options) elif self.type == "euro_csv": df = pd.read_csv( self.path, sep=";", decimal=",", chunksize=chunksize, **kw_options ) else: raise TypeError( 'Can only read csv files as dataframes. Use method "get_raw" for raw data' ) return df def get_raw( self, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None ) -> Raw: """Get data as raw (unstructured) data. Example:: data_sources["my_raw_datasource"].get_raw() :param params: Currently not implemented :type params: optional dict :param chunksize: Currently not implemented :type chunksize: optional bool :return: The file's bytes (binary) or string (text) contents, possibly cached according to config value of `expires:` :rtype: bytes or str """ if params: raise NotImplementedError("Parameters not supported yet") if chunksize: raise NotImplementedError("Buffered reading not supported yet") kw_options = self.options logger.debug( "Loading raw {} {} with options {}...".format( self.type, self.path, kw_options ) ) raw: Raw if self.type == "text_file": with open(self.path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as txt_file: raw =**kw_options) elif self.type == "binary_file": with open(self.path, "rb") as bin_file: raw =**kw_options) else: raise TypeError( "Can only read binary data or text strings as raw file. " 'Use method "get_dataframe" for dataframes' ) return raw
[docs]class FileDataSink(DataSink): """DataSink for putting data into files. See :attr:`serves` for the available types. Configuration example:: datasinks: # ... (other datasinks) my_datasink: type: euro_csv # `euro_csv` changes separators to ";" and decimals to "," w.r.t. `csv` path: /some/file.csv # Can be URL, uses `df.to_csv` internally tags: [train] # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources and DataSinks options: {} # used as **kwargs when fetching the data using `df.to_csv` dtypes_path: ./some/file.dtypes # optional: location for saving the csv's column dtypes info my_raw_datasink: type: text_file # raw files can also be of type `binary_file` path: /some/file.txt # Can be URL tags: [train] # generic parameter, see documentation on DataSources and DataSinks options: {} # used as **kwargs when writing the data using `fh.write` When saving `csv` or `euro_csv` type formats, you can use the setting `dtypes_path` to specify a location where to save dtypes descriptions for the csv (that you can use later with :class:`FileDataSource`'s `dtypes_path` setting). These dtypes will be enforced when reading the csv, which helps avoid problems when `pandas.read_csv` interprets data differently than you do. Use `dtypes_path` to enforce dtype parity between csv datasinks and datasources. Using the raw formats `binary_file` and `text_file`, you can persist arbitrary data, as long as it can be represented as a `bytes` or a `str` object, respectively. `text_file` uses UTF-8 encoding. Please note that while possible, it is not recommended to persist `DataFrame`s this way, because by adding format-specific code to your model, you're giving up your code's independence from the type of `DataSource`/`DataSink`. Here's an example for pickling an arbitrary object:: # config fragment: datasinks: # ... my_pickle_datasink: type: binary_file path: /some/file.pickle tags: [train] options: {} # code fragment: import pickle # ... # in predict/test/train code: my_pickle = pickle.dumps(my_object) data_sinks["my_pickle_datasink"].put_raw(my_pickle) """ serves = SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES def __init__(self, identifier: str, datasink_config: Dict): super().__init__(identifier, datasink_config) ds_type = datasink_config["type"] if ds_type not in SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES: raise TypeError( "{} is not a datasink file type (in datasink {}).".format( repr(ds_type), repr(identifier) ) ) self.type = ds_type self.path = datasink_config["path"] self.dtypes_path = datasink_config.get("dtypes_path")
[docs] def put_dataframe( self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Write a pandas dataframe to file and optionally the dtypes if included in the configuration. The default is not to save the dataframe's row index. Configure the DataSink's `options` dict to pass keyword arguments to `my_df.to_csv`. If the directory path leading to the file does not exist, it will be created. Example:: data_sinks["my_datasink"].put_dataframe(my_df) :param dataframe: The pandas dataframe to save :type dataframe: pandas DataFrame :param params: Currently not implemented :type params: optional dict :param chunksize: Currently not implemented :type chunksize: optional bool """ if params: raise NotImplementedError("Parameters not supported yet") if chunksize: raise NotImplementedError("Buffered writing not supported yet") kw_options = self.options if "index" not in kw_options: kw_options["index"] = False logger.debug( "Writing dataframe to type {} file {} with options {} and dtypes_path {}...".format( self.type, self.path, kw_options, self.dtypes_path ) ) if self.dtypes_path: dtypes_file = pd.DataFrame( dataframe.dtypes, columns=["dtypes"] ).rename_axis("columns") dtypes_file.loc[ dtypes_file["dtypes"] == "object", "dtypes" ] = "str" dtypes_file.loc[ dtypes_file["dtypes"] == "datetime64[ns]", "dtypes" ] = "datetime" ensure_dir_to(self.dtypes_path) dtypes_file.to_csv(self.dtypes_path) if self.type == "csv": ensure_dir_to(self.path) dataframe.to_csv(self.path, **kw_options) elif self.type == "euro_csv": ensure_dir_to(self.path) dataframe.to_csv(self.path, sep=";", decimal=",", **kw_options) else: raise TypeError( 'Can only write dataframes to csv file. Use method "put_raw" for raw data' )
[docs] def put_raw( self, raw_data: Raw, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Write raw (unstructured) data to file. If the directory path leading to the file does not exist, it will be created. Example:: data_sinks["my_raw_datasink"].put_raw(my_data) :param raw_data: The data to save (bytes for binary, string for text file) :type raw_data: bytes or str :param params: Currently not implemented :type params: optional dict :param chunksize: Currently not implemented :type chunksize: optional bool """ if params: raise NotImplementedError("Parameters not supported yet") if chunksize: raise NotImplementedError("Buffered writing not supported yet") kw_options = self.options logger.debug( "Writing raw {} file {} with options {}...".format( self.type, self.path, kw_options ) ) if self.type == "text_file": if "encoding" not in kw_options: kw_options["encoding"] = "utf-8" ensure_dir_to(self.path) with open(self.path, "w", **kw_options) as txt_file: raw_str: str = cast(str, raw_data) txt_file.write(raw_str) elif self.type == "binary_file": ensure_dir_to(self.path) with open(self.path, "wb", **kw_options) as bin_file: raw_bytes: bytes = cast(bytes, raw_data) bin_file.write(raw_bytes) else: raise TypeError( "Can only write binary data or text strings as raw file. " + 'Use method "put_dataframe" for dataframes' )