Source code for mllaunchpad.model_actions

"""Convenience functions for executing training, testing and prediction"""

# Stdlib imports
import logging
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Optional

# Project imports
from mllaunchpad import resource
from mllaunchpad.model_interface import ModelInterface, ModelMakerInterface

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_cached_model_stores: Dict = {}
_cached_model_tuples: Dict = {}
_cached_data_source_sink_tuples: Dict = {}
_cached_model_makers: Dict = {}
_cached_model_classes: Dict = {}
_current_train_report: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None

suppress_order_columns_not_used_warning = (
    "To adjust this warning, set model config's `order_columns_not_used_warning` "
    "to `always` (default), `test_and_predict` or `never`."

[docs]def train_model( complete_conf: Dict, cache: bool = True, persist: bool = True, test: bool = True, model: Optional[ModelInterface] = None, ): """Train and test a model as specified in the configuration and persist it in the model store. :param complete_conf: configuration dict :type complete_conf: dict :param cache: Whether to cache the data sources/sinks and helper objects (cache lookup is done by model name and model version). If in doubt, leave at default. :type cache: optional bool, default: True :param persist: Whether to store the trained model in the location configured by `model_cache:`. This parameter exists mainly for making debugging and unit testing your model's code easier. :type persist: optional bool, default: True :param test: Whether to test the model after training. This parameter exists mainly for making debugging and unit testing your model's code easier. :type test: optional bool, default: True :param model: Use this model as previous model instead trying to load it from `model_store`. This parameter exists mainly for making debugging and unit testing your model's code easier. :type model: optional object implementing ModelInterface, default: None :return: Tuple of (object implementing ModelInterface, metrics) """ # if persist and not test: # raise ValueError("If you set `test` to False, you have to set `persist` to False, too. " # "A model cannot be persisted without any test metrics") logger.debug("Creating trained model...") user_mm = _get_model_maker(complete_conf, cache=cache) model_conf = complete_conf["model"] if model: old_inner_model = model.contents else: try: logger.debug("Trying to load old model...") old_model_wrapper, _ = _get_model(complete_conf, cache=cache) old_inner_model = old_model_wrapper.contents except FileNotFoundError:"No old model to load") old_inner_model = None except AttributeError as e: if "module '{}'".format(model_conf["module"]) in str(e): "No model loaded. Model class appears to have been renamed since last training" ) old_inner_model = None else: raise e dso_train, dsi_train = _get_data_sources_and_sinks( complete_conf, tags=["train"], cache=cache ) report_dict: Dict[str, Any] with train_report() as report_dict: inner_model = user_mm.create_trained_model( model_conf, dso_train, dsi_train, old_model=old_inner_model ) m_cls = _get_model_class(complete_conf, cache=cache) model_wrapper: ModelInterface = m_cls(contents=inner_model) if resource._order_columns_called: model_wrapper.have_columns_been_ordered = True elif ( "order_columns_not_used_warning" not in model_conf or model_conf["order_columns_not_used_warning"] == "always" ): logger.warning( "Training code does not call function order_columns. " + suppress_order_columns_not_used_warning ) if not isinstance(model_wrapper, ModelInterface): logger.warning( "Model's class is not a subclass of ModelInterface: %s", model_wrapper, ) metrics = {} if test: logger.debug("Testing trained model...") dso_test, dsi_test = _get_data_sources_and_sinks( complete_conf, tags=["test"], cache=cache ) metrics = user_mm.test_trained_model( model_conf, dso_test, dsi_test, inner_model ) _check_ordered_columns( complete_conf, model_wrapper, "testing code", times=2 ) if persist: model_store = _get_model_store(complete_conf, cache=cache) for name, val in report_dict.items(): model_store.add_to_train_report(name, val) model_store.add_to_train_report("algorithm", repr(inner_model)) model_store.dump_trained_model( complete_conf, model_wrapper, metrics ) "Created%s trained model %s, version %s, metrics %s", " and stored" if persist else "", model_conf["name"], model_conf["version"], metrics, ) return model_wrapper, metrics
[docs]def retest( complete_conf: Dict, cache: bool = True, persist: bool = True, model: Optional[ModelInterface] = None, ): """Retest a model as specified in the configuration and persist its test metrics in the model store. :param complete_conf: configuration dict :type complete_conf: dict :param cache: Whether to cache the data sources/sinks and helper objects (cache lookup is done by model name and model version). If in doubt, leave at default. :type cache: optional bool, default: True :param persist: Whether to update the model in `model_cache:` with the test metrics. This parameter exists mainly for making debugging and unit testing your model's code easier. :type persist: optional bool, default: True :param model: Test this model instead of loading it from `model_store`. This parameter exists mainly for making debugging and unit testing your model's code easier. :type model: optional object implementing ModelInterface, default: None :return: test_metrics """ logger.debug("Retesting existing trained model...") dso, dsi = _get_data_sources_and_sinks( complete_conf, tags=["test"], cache=cache ) user_mm = _get_model_maker(complete_conf, cache=cache) model_conf = complete_conf["model"] if model: model_wrapper = model else: model_wrapper, _ = _get_model(complete_conf, cache=cache) inner_model = model_wrapper.contents test_metrics = user_mm.test_trained_model( model_conf, dso, dsi, inner_model ) _check_ordered_columns(complete_conf, model_wrapper, "retesting code") if persist: model_store = _get_model_store(complete_conf, cache=cache) model_store.update_model_metrics(model_conf, test_metrics) "Retested existing model %s, version %s, new metrics %s", model_conf["name"], model_conf["version"], test_metrics, ) return test_metrics
[docs]def predict( complete_conf: Dict, arg_dict: Optional[Dict] = None, cache: bool = True, model: Optional[ModelInterface] = None, use_live_code: bool = False, ): """Carry out prediction for the model specified in the configuration. :param complete_conf: configuration dict :type complete_conf: dict :param cache: Whether to cache the data sources/sinks and helper objects (cache lookup is done by model name and model version). If in doubt, leave at default. :type cache: optional bool, default: True :param arg_dict: Arguments dict for the prediction (analogous to what it would get from a web API) :type arg_dict: optional Dict, default: None :param model: Test this model instead of loading it from `model_store`. This parameter exists mainly for making debugging and unit testing your model's code easier. :type model: optional object implementing ModelInterface, default: None :param use_live_code: Use the current `predict` function instead of the one persisted with the model in the `model_store`. This parameter exists mainly for making debugging and unit testing your model's code easier. :type use_live_code: optional bool, default: False :return: model's prediction output """ logger.debug("Applying model for prediction...") dso, dsi = _get_data_sources_and_sinks( complete_conf, tags=["predict"], cache=cache ) model_conf = complete_conf["model"] if model: model_wrapper = model else: model_wrapper, _ = _get_model(complete_conf, cache=cache) inner_model = model_wrapper.contents if use_live_code: # Create a fresh model object from current code and transplant existing contents m_cls = _get_model_class(complete_conf, cache=cache) curr_model_wrapper: ModelInterface = m_cls(contents=inner_model) model_wrapper = curr_model_wrapper output = model_wrapper.predict( model_conf, dso, dsi, inner_model, arg_dict or {} ) _check_ordered_columns(complete_conf, model_wrapper, "prediction code") output = resource.to_plain_python_obj(output) return output
[docs]def clear_caches(): global _cached_model_stores global _cached_model_tuples global _cached_data_source_sink_tuples global _cached_model_makers global _cached_model_classes _cached_model_stores.clear() _cached_model_tuples.clear() _cached_data_source_sink_tuples.clear() _cached_model_makers.clear() _cached_model_classes.clear()
def _model_key(model_conf): return model_conf["name"] + "_" + model_conf["version"] def _find_subclass(module_name, superclass): """Locate and instantiate class of data-scientist-provided ModelMaker or model class. For this to work, your model module (.py file) needs to be in python's sys.path (usually the case). Also set the config's model: module property accordingly. Params: module_name: the name of the module superclass: subclasses of which class to locate Returns: subclass as found in data scientist's module """ if "." not in sys.path: sys.path.append(".") __import__(module_name) classes = superclass.__subclasses__() if len(classes) != 1: raise ValueError( "The configured model module (.py file) must contain " + "one {}-inheriting class definition, but contains {}.".format( superclass, len(classes) ) ) cls = classes[0] logger.debug("Found %s class named %s", superclass, cls) return cls def _get_model_maker(complete_conf, cache=True): """Locate and instantiate class of data-scientist-provided ModelMaker (which the data scientist inherited from ModelMakerInterface). For this to work, your model module (.py file) needs to be in python's sys.path (usually the case). Also set the config's model: module property accordingly. Params: complete_conf: the configuration dict Returns: instance of data scientist's ModelMaker model factory object """ global _cached_model_makers key = _model_key(complete_conf["model"]) mm = _cached_model_makers.get(key) if mm is None: logger.debug("Locating and instantiating ModelMaker...") mm_cls = _find_subclass( complete_conf["model"]["module"], ModelMakerInterface ) mm = mm_cls() if cache: _cached_model_makers[key] = mm logger.debug("Instantiated ModelMaker object %s", mm) return mm def _get_model_class(complete_conf, cache=True): """Locate class of data-scientist-provided model (which the data scientist inherited from ModelInterface). For this to work, your model module (.py file) needs to be in python's sys.path (usually the case). Also set the config's model: module property accordingly. Params: complete_conf: the configuration dict Returns: data scientist's Model class """ global _cached_model_classes key = _model_key(complete_conf["model"]) m_cls = _cached_model_classes.get(key) if m_cls is None: logger.debug("Locating Model class...") m_cls = _find_subclass( complete_conf["model"]["module"], ModelInterface ) if cache: _cached_model_classes[key] = m_cls return m_cls def _get_model_store(complete_conf, cache=True): global _cached_model_stores key = _model_key(complete_conf["model"]) model_store = _cached_model_stores.get(key) or resource.ModelStore( complete_conf ) if cache: _cached_model_stores[key] = model_store return model_store def _get_model(complete_conf, cache=True): global _cached_model_tuples model_store = _get_model_store(complete_conf, cache=cache) model_conf = complete_conf["model"] key = _model_key(model_conf) model_tuple = _cached_model_tuples.get(key) if model_tuple is None:"Loading model...") model_wrapper, meta = model_store.load_trained_model(model_conf) "Model loaded: {}, version: {}, created {}".format( meta["name"], meta["version"], meta["created"] ) ) model_tuple = (model_wrapper, meta) if cache: _cached_model_tuples[key] = model_tuple return model_tuple def _get_data_sources_and_sinks(complete_conf, tags=None, cache=True): global _cached_data_source_sink_tuples key = _model_key(complete_conf["model"]) + str(tags) ds_tuple = _cached_data_source_sink_tuples.get(key) if ds_tuple is None:"Initializing datasources...") dso, dsi = resource.create_data_sources_and_sinks( complete_conf, tags=tags ) "%s datasource(s) initialized: %s", len(dso), list(dso.keys()) ) "%s datasink(s) initialized: %s", len(dsi), list(dsi.keys()) ) ds_tuple = (dso, dsi) if cache: _cached_data_source_sink_tuples[key] = ds_tuple return ds_tuple def _check_ordered_columns(complete_conf, model_wrapper, what: str, times=1): if ( "order_columns_not_used_warning" in complete_conf["model"] and str( complete_conf["model"]["order_columns_not_used_warning"] ).lower() == "never" ): return if model_wrapper.have_columns_been_ordered: if resource._order_columns_called < times: logger.warning( "Model has been trained on ordered columns, but " "{} does not call function order_columns. {}".format( what, suppress_order_columns_not_used_warning ) )
[docs]@contextmanager def train_report() -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: # initialize global _current_train_report if _current_train_report is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot initialize a train_report context within another train_report context." ) _current_train_report = {} try: yield _current_train_report finally: # release _current_train_report = None
def _add_to_train_report(name: str, value) -> None: """Add a piece of information to the train report during training. The train report is part of the model's metadata that is saved to the model store. Use :func:`mllaunchpad.list_models` to query metadata from the model store. This function is supposed to be called from your :func:`~mllaunchpad.ModelMakerInterface.create_trained_model` or :func:`~mllaunchpad.ModelMakerInterface.test_trained_model` implementation. You can pass any values that are JSON-able, same as with :func:`~mllaunchpad.ModelMakerInterface.test_trained_model`'s returned metrics. However, if the value is a DataFrame, it will be summarized (using `pd.describe()`). You can use this for example to improve traceability of your trained models and for some basic sanity checks of training data distribution. :param name: Key to save the information under (e.g. "meaning_of_life") :type name: str :param value: Value to save. Any JSON-able value or structure will work. Pandas DataFrames will be summarized instead of saved. :type value: str, number, list, dict, Numpy Array or Pandas DataFrame """ global _current_train_report if _current_train_report is None: 'Ignoring attempt to add record "{}" to train report ' "(hint: '' does nothing when re-testing).".format( name ) ) else: # Third-party imports import pandas as pd if isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame): data_dict = _current_train_report.get("data", {}) data_dict[name] = { "nrows": value.shape[0], "ncols": value.shape[1], "colnames": list(value.columns), "dtypes": [str(dt) for dt in value.dtypes], "description": value.describe(), } "Train report data: {}={}".format(name, data_dict[name]) ) _current_train_report["data"] = data_dict else:"Train report: {}={}".format(name, value)) _current_train_report[name] = value