Source code for mllaunchpad.resource

# Stdlib imports
import abc
import getpass
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import platform
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess  # nosec # We are running a known process using its full path (python -m pip)
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
from time import time
from typing import (

# Third-party imports
# We are only unpickling files which are completely under the
# control of the model developer, not influenced by end user data.
import dill as pickle  # nosec
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Project imports
import mllaunchpad as mllp

DS = TypeVar("DS", "DataSource", "DataSink")
Raw = Union[str, bytes]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
DATE_FORMAT_FILES = "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"

[docs]class ModelStore: """Deals with persisting, loading, updating metrics metadata of models. Abstracts away how and where the model is kept. TODO: Smarter querying like 'get me the model with the currently (next) best metrics which serves a particular API.' """ def __init__(self, config: Union[Dict, str]): """Get a model store based on the config settings :param config: configuration dict containing the model store location, or model store location as string :type complete_conf: Union[Dict, str] """ if isinstance(config, dict): self.location = config["model_store"]["location"] else: self.location = str(config) self.train_report: Dict[str, Any] = {} def _ensure_location(self): if not os.path.exists(self.location): os.makedirs(self.location) def _get_model_base_name(self, model_conf): return os.path.join( self.location, "{}_{}".format(model_conf["name"], model_conf["version"]), ) @staticmethod def _load_metadata(base_name): metadata_name = base_name + ".json" with open(metadata_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: meta = json.load(f) return meta @staticmethod def _dump_metadata(base_name, raw_metadata): metadata_name = base_name + ".json" metadata = to_plain_python_obj(raw_metadata) try: with open(metadata_name, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(metadata, f, indent=2) except TypeError as e: os.remove(metadata_name) raise e def _backup_old_model(self, base_name): backup_dir = os.path.join(self.location, "previous") if not os.path.exists(backup_dir): os.makedirs(backup_dir) infix = for file in glob.glob(base_name + "*"): fn_ext = os.path.basename(file) fn, ext = os.path.splitext(fn_ext) new_file_name = "{}_{}{}".format(fn, infix, ext) logger.debug( "Backing up previous model file {} as {}".format( fn_ext, new_file_name ) ) shutil.copy(file, os.path.join(backup_dir, new_file_name))
[docs] def dump_trained_model(self, complete_conf, model, metrics): """Save a model object in the model store. Some metadata will also be saved along the model, including the metrics which is the second parameter. Params: model_conf: the config dict of our model model: the model object to store metrics: metrics dictionary Returns: Nothing """ model_conf = complete_conf["model"] base_name = self._get_model_base_name(model_conf) self._ensure_location() # Check if exists and backup if it does self._backup_old_model(base_name) # Save model itself pkl_name = base_name + ".pkl" with open(pkl_name, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(model, f) # Save metadata meta = { "name": model_conf["name"], "version": model_conf["version"], "created":, "created_by": getpass.getuser(), "system": { "mllaunchpad_version": mllp.__version__, "platform": platform.platform(), "host": socket.getfqdn(), # "host_ip": socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn()), "python": sys.version, "packages": subprocess.getoutput( "{} -m pip freeze".format(sys.executable) ).splitlines(), }, "train_report": self.train_report, "metrics": metrics, "metrics_history": { metrics}, "config_snapshot": complete_conf, } if "api" in complete_conf: # API is optional meta["api_base_url"] = mllp.api.get_api_base_url(complete_conf) # Add all extra and non-colliding keys in model: section for key, val in model_conf.items(): if key not in meta and key != "module": meta[key] = val self._dump_metadata(base_name, meta)
[docs] def load_trained_model(self, model_conf): """Load a model object from the model store. Some metadata will also be loaded along the model. Params: model_conf: the config dict of our model Returns: Tuple of model object and metadata dictionary """ base_name = self._get_model_base_name(model_conf) if "." not in sys.path: sys.path.append(".") pkl_name = base_name + ".pkl" with open(pkl_name, "rb") as f: # We are only unpickling files which are completely under the # control of the model developer, not influenced by end user data. model = pickle.load(f) # nosec meta = self._load_metadata(base_name) return model, meta
[docs] def update_model_metrics(self, model_conf, metrics): """Update the test metrics for a previously stored model""" base_name = self._get_model_base_name(model_conf) meta = self._load_metadata(base_name) meta["metrics"] = metrics meta["metrics_history"][] = metrics self._dump_metadata(base_name, meta)
[docs] def add_to_train_report(self, name: str, value): plain_val = to_plain_python_obj(value) self.train_report[name] = plain_val
def _get_infos_from_json_file(self, file): base_name, _ = os.path.splitext(file) fn = os.path.basename(base_name) fn_parts = fn.split("_") # there can be more than two name = fn_parts[0] version = fn_parts[1] meta = self._load_metadata(base_name) return name, version, meta
[docs] def list_models(self): """Get information on all available versions of trained models. Side note: This also includes backups of models that have been re-trained without changing the version number (they reside in the subdirectory ``previous``). Please note that these backed up models are just listed for information and are not available for loading (one would have to restore them by moving them up a directory level from ``previous``. Example:: ms = mllp.ModelStore("./model_store") all_models = ms.list_models() # An example of what a ``list_models()``'s result would look like: { iris: { 1.0.0: { ... complete metadata of this version number ... }, 1.1.0: { ... }, latest: { ... duplicate of metadata of highest available version number, here 1.1.0 ... }, backups: [ {...}, {...}, ... ] }, my_other_model: { 1.0.1: { ... }, 2.0.0: { ... }, latest: { ... }, backups: [] } } :returns: Dict with information on all available trained models. """ result = {} store_pattern = os.path.join(self.location, "*.json") for file in glob.glob(store_pattern): name, version, meta = self._get_infos_from_json_file(file) result[name] = result.get(name, {}) result[name][version] = meta for name, versions in result.items(): latest_version_key = max(versions) versions["latest"] = versions[latest_version_key] result[name]["backups"] = [] backup_dir = os.path.join(self.location, "previous") backup_pattern = os.path.join(backup_dir, "*.json") for file in glob.glob(backup_pattern): name, version, meta = self._get_infos_from_json_file(file) if name in result: result[name]["backups"].append(meta) else: logger.debug( "Ignoring backup for obsolete model %s_%s while collecting model directory", name, version, ) return result
def _tags_match(tags, other_tags) -> bool: tags = tags or [] if isinstance(tags, str): tags = [tags] other_tags = other_tags or [] if isinstance(other_tags, str): other_tags = [other_tags] tags_required = bool(tags) tags_provided = bool(other_tags) tags_matching = bool(set(tags) & set(other_tags)) return not tags_required or not tags_provided or tags_matching def _get_all_classes(config, the_type: Type[DS]) -> Dict[str, Type[DS]]: modules = [ __name__, "mllaunchpad.datasources", ] # find built_in types using same mechanism if "plugins" in config:"Loading %s plugins", the_type) # Append plugins so they can replace builtin types modules += config["plugins"] ds_cls: Dict[str, Type[DS]] = {} for module in modules: __import__(module) # Handle one import after another so plugins can replace builtin types imported_classes = [ cls for cls in the_type.__subclasses__() if cls.__module__ == module ] for cls in imported_classes: if hasattr(cls, "serves") and hasattr(cls.serves, "__iter__"): for k in cls.serves: if k in ds_cls: logger.warning( f"Plugin class {cls} shadows {ds_cls[k]} which also serves {k}" ) ds_cls[k] = cls logger.debug( "Loaded %s.%s, serving %s}", module, cls.__name__, cls.serves, ) else: logger.warning(f'Class {cls} has no list attribute "serves"') return ds_cls def _create_data_sources_or_sinks( config: Dict, the_type: Type[DS], tags: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ) -> Dict[str, DS]: # Implementation note: no generator used because we want to fail early if not tags: tags = [] if the_type == DataSource: what = "datasource" config_key = "datasources" elif the_type == DataSink: what = "datasink" config_key = "datasinks" else: raise TypeError( "`the_type` parameter must be `DataSource` or `DataSink`" ) ds_objects: Dict[str, DS] = {} ds_cls: Dict[str, Type[DS]] = _get_all_classes(config, the_type) logger.debug("ds_cls=%s", ds_cls) if config_key not in config or not isinstance(config[config_key], dict):"No %s defined in configuration", config_key) return ds_objects for ds_id in config[config_key]: ds_config = config[config_key][ds_id] if not _tags_match(tags, ds_config.get("tags")): continue ds_types = ds_config["type"].split(".") main_type = ds_types[0] sub_type = ds_types[1] if len(ds_types) >= 2 else None ds_subtype_config = config[main_type][sub_type] if sub_type else None service_need = main_type + ( "." + ds_subtype_config["type"] if ds_subtype_config else "" ) if service_need not in ds_cls: raise ValueError( f"No {what} class for {service_need} available. Check the configuration for typos in the {what} type or add a suitable plugin." ) logger.debug( "Initializing %s %s of type %s...", what, ds_id, ds_config["type"] ) if ds_subtype_config is None: ds_objects[ds_id] = ds_cls[service_need](ds_id, ds_config) else: ds_objects[ds_id] = ds_cls[service_need]( ds_id, ds_config, ds_subtype_config ) logger.debug("%s %s initialized", what.capitalize(), ds_id) # typing.cast(Dict[str, DS], ds_objects) return ds_objects
[docs]def create_data_sources_and_sinks( config: Dict, tags: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, "DataSource"], Dict[str, "DataSink"]]: """Creates the data sources as defined in the configuration dict. Filters them by tag. Params: config: configuration dictionary tags: optionally filter for only matching datasources no value(s) = match all datasources Returns: dict with keys=datasource names, values=initialized DataSource objects """ if not tags: tags = [] # mypy is unfortunately only accepting instantiable classes here (no ABCs), # which is a know issue: # Ignoring check for now, hoping for a solution/workaround soon. sources: Dict[str, DataSource] = _create_data_sources_or_sinks( config, the_type=DataSource, tags=tags # type: ignore ) sinks: Dict[str, DataSink] = _create_data_sources_or_sinks( config, the_type=DataSink, tags=tags # type: ignore ) return sources, sinks
[docs]class CacheDict(OrderedDict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): self.maxsize = kwds.pop("maxsize", None) OrderedDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self._check_size_limit() def __setitem__(self, key, value): OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, value) self._check_size_limit() def _check_size_limit(self): if self.maxsize is not None: while len(self) > self.maxsize: self.popitem(last=False) def __hash__(self): return hash(frozenset(self.items()))
[docs]class CachedDataSource(type): """Metaclass to Auto-apply decorators "@cached" to data getters. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct): for attr, func in dct.items(): if attr.startswith("get_"): dct[attr] = CachedDataSource.cached(func) return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)
[docs] @classmethod def cached(mcs, func): """This decorator is automatically applied to `get_dataframe` and `get_raw` methods to enable caching.""" def wrapper( self, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None ): if self.expires != 0 and chunksize is not None: raise ValueError( 'The "chunksize" parameter is incompatible with caching. ' 'To be able to use "chunksize", please set "expires: 0" ' "in the datasource configuration." ) key = ( func.__name__, json.dumps(params, sort_keys=True), chunksize, ) item = self._get_cached(key) if item is not None: return item else: result = func(self, params, chunksize) self._to_cache(key, result) return result wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return wrapper
[docs]class DataSource(metaclass=CachedDataSource): """Interface, used by the Data Scientist's model to get its data from. Concrete DataSources (for files, data bases, etc.) need to inherit from this class. """ serves: List[str] = [] def __init__( self, identifier: str, datasource_config: Dict, sub_config: Optional[Dict] = None, # used in DBMS subclasses ): """Please call super().__init(...) when overwriting this method""" = identifier self.config = datasource_config self.options = self.config.get("options", {}) self.expires = self.config.get("expires", 0) maxsize = self.config.get("cache_size", 32) self._cache = CacheDict(maxsize=maxsize)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_dataframe( self, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Generator]: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_raw( self, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None ) -> Raw: ...
def _get_cached(self, key) -> Any: if self.expires == -1 or self.expires > 0: item, time_stamp = self._cache.get(key, (None, 0)) if item is not None and ( self.expires == -1 or time() <= time_stamp + self.expires ): logger.debug( "Returning cached item for datasource %s", ) return item return None # either immediately expires (0) or has expired in meantime (>0) def _to_cache(self, key, item) -> None: if self.expires != 0: self._cache[key] = (item, time()) def __del__(self): """Overwrite to clean up any resources (connections, temp files, etc.).""" ...
[docs]class DataSink: """Interface, used by the Data Scientist's model to persist data (usually prediction results). Concrete DataSinks (for files, data bases, etc.) need to inherit from this class. """ serves: List[str] = [] def __init__( self, identifier: str, datasink_config: Dict, sub_config: Optional[Dict] = None, ): """Please call super().__init(...) when overwriting this method""" = identifier self.config = datasink_config self.options = self.config.get("options", {})
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def put_dataframe( self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def put_raw( self, raw_data: Raw, params: Dict = None, chunksize: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: ...
def __del__(self): """Overwrite to clean up any resources (connections, temp files, etc.).""" ...
[docs]def get_user_pw(user_var: str, password_var: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]: user = os.environ.get(user_var) pw = os.environ.get(password_var) if user is None: raise ValueError( "User name environment variable {} not set".format(user_var) ) if pw is None: logger.warning( "Password environment variable %s not set", password_var ) return user, pw
[docs]def to_plain_python_obj(possible_ndarray): if isinstance(possible_ndarray, dict): return { key: to_plain_python_obj(val) for key, val in possible_ndarray.items() } if isinstance(possible_ndarray, np.int64): return int(possible_ndarray) if isinstance(possible_ndarray, np.float32): return float(possible_ndarray) elif isinstance(possible_ndarray, list) or isinstance( possible_ndarray, tuple ): return [to_plain_python_obj(val) for val in possible_ndarray] elif isinstance(possible_ndarray, np.ndarray): logger.debug("Automatically converting ndarray to plain python list") return possible_ndarray.tolist() elif isinstance(possible_ndarray, pd.DataFrame): logger.debug("Automatically converting DataFrame to plain python dict") return possible_ndarray.to_dict() else: return possible_ndarray
_order_columns_called = 0
[docs]def order_columns(obj: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, Dict]): """Order the columns of a DataFrame, a dict, or a Numpy structured array. Use this on your training data right before passing it into the model. This will guarantee that the model is trained with a reproducible column order. Same in your test code. Most importantly, use this also in your `predict` method, as the incoming `args_dict` does not have a deterministic order. Params: obj: a DataFrame, a dict, or a Numpy structured array Returns: The `obj` with columns ordered lexicographically """ # Implementation note: not using singledispatch due to necessary checks for all calls regardless of type. # try: # caller = sys._getframe().f_back.f_code.co_name # except AttributeError: # caller = None global _order_columns_called _order_columns_called += 1 if isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame): cols_sorted = sorted(obj.columns.tolist()) return obj.loc[:, cols_sorted] elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): if obj.dtype.names: cols_sorted = sorted(obj.dtype.names) return obj[cols_sorted] else: raise TypeError( "Non-structured numpy array does not have column names that can be ordered." ) elif isinstance(obj, dict): ordered = OrderedDict(sorted(obj.items())) return ordered else: raise TypeError( "`order_columns` called on unsupported type: {}".format(type(obj)) )